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तना छेदक

In maize, for management of stem borer, apply the below-mentioned insecticide 6-8 in numbers in an upper whorl of leaves.

पौधे का प्रभावित हिस्सा

Leaves, Stem

प्रारंभिक पहचान:

Larvae feed in concealment inside the leaf sheath in groups and feed on the epidermal layer of the sheath


Parallel holes are seen on the leaf sheath and brown-colored excreta of the pest are also visible.

नुकसान का प्रकार:

Drying up of growing point and formation of dead heart in young plants. Severely infected plants are stunted and may appear to have cob and tassel in one place

तना छेदक

Take a picture of the disease and get a solution

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